Ice Dyeing | OntheBiasDesigns
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Ice Dyeing Fabric

Ice Dying Class - On The Bias Designs.jpeg

Ice Dyeing Fabric


During Class we will dye (2) yards of Fabric.    The class is messy and you will most likely get dye on yourself of your clothes.


Class Length:  3 Hours


Class Fee: $25.00


Class fee includes the following:

  • (2) yards of fabric that will be pretreated and ready for dyeing

  • String and some shapes for dyeing

  • Dye and other chemicals required

  • Ice/Snow

  • Plastic Gloves

  • Masks will be available if requested


Students will need to bring the following:

  • Apron or clothes that can get dirty/dyed

  • Any other items that the student wants to use as part of the class


Please Note:

  • You will not get to take your fabric home that day, you will be notified during class when your fabric will be available for pickup.

  • Your fabric will be rinsed and ready to be washed.  We will provide some detergent and instructions for washing.

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